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Before you place your order please check the map on the right hand side carefully that we deliver to your address. If your address is not within the blue shaded area, then sadly we cannot guarantee delivery to you and may have to refund your order.
We deliver to the following areas - Edinburgh North & Edinburgh South, plus Musselburgh, Inveresk & Levenhall.
If your address is there please specify a delivery date and time below according the following slots.
Three slots a day 8am - 12.30(AM), 12.30 - 17.00(PM), 17.00 - 20.00(EVE)
Please check AM, PM and EVE timeslots carefully, if you select the wrong slot we may have to reschedule your delivery. If you are right on the line you can choose either North or South!
Edinburgh Delivery Area - we deliver to all addresses inside the blue shaded area.